Bettie holds a coffee mug and smiles, Elk Run Assisted Living in Evergreen, CO

Elk Run Residents Enjoy Bus Rides and Butterflies

The Evergreen, CO, area offers much for Elk Run Assisted Living residents to see and do. In the past, Elk Run’s bus made such experiences possible. When it broke down, coordinating trips became much more difficult.

Director of Marketing and Admissions Barre Shannon McKee served as the activities director at the time and spent many hours trying to piece together transportation, even for the simplest outings.

Thanks to generous donors, Elk Run purchased a new bus in March 2023.

One donor, who asked to remain anonymous, said she donated in memory of her mother, who enjoyed bus rides because “her operative word was go.” Because of generosity like that, many Elk Run residents are on the go once again.

Residents like Bettie Lynn thoroughly enjoy the Butterfly Pavilion. Bettie Lynn’s first visit there was especially meaningful.

She and her neighbors explored the pavilion, admiring all the different types of butterflies. At one point, she sat down for a moment to rest and take it all in. Suddenly, butterflies surrounded her. They came from all over, coming to perch on her straw hat and cover her entire dress. Butterflies remind her of her mother-in-law Ruth and, in this moment, she felt surrounded by the love Ruth had shown her.

“That lifted my spirits like you just couldn’t know,” Bettie Lynn says.

Other experiences include trout fishing, bowling, picnicking, happy hours and viewing fall colors. Other destinations include luncheons at a local church, a candy factory, a mall, grocery stores and a brewery.

“Our outings are so well-attended that not only do we utilize our bus, but have to use our van, as well, in order to accommodate everyone,” Barre says. “Residents with limited mobility use the bus and those who are more mobile can get into the van.”

As residents fill the vehicles, smiles stretch across their faces and laughter fills the air.

“The smiles and laughs illustrate how happy and grateful we are to experience life outside our community,” Barre says.

Donors like you make these smiles and laughs possible.